At Urbannovas, our mission is to provide accurate, insightful, and ethical coverage of the rapidly evolving crypto, blockchain, AI, NFT, and metaverse industries. This Editorial Policy outlines the principles and standards that guide our journalism and content creation.
Accuracy and Fact-Checking We are committed to publishing thoroughly fact-checked and well-researched content. Our writers and editors rely on credible sources and subject matter experts. All reporting must be fair, honest, and anchored in verifiable facts.
Independence and Objectivity Urbannovas maintains editorial independence from external agendas, public relations influences, or partnerships that could compromise our objectivity. We do not allow sponsors, advertisers, or other commercial interests to dictate or influence our coverage.
transparency and Disclosure We are transparent about our editorial processes, funding sources, and potential conflicts of interest. Writers and editors must disclose any relevant personal or financial connections to subjects they cover.
Corrections and Updates If we publish inaccurate information, we will promptly issue corrections or clarifications with the same prominence as the original content. Our articles are regularly updated to reflect new developments.
Protections for Sources We respect requests for source anonymity when a source’s personal safety or livelihood may be jeopardized by being named. However, we grant anonymity selectively and avoid granting it to sources making serious allegations.
Plagiarism and Misappropriation Plagiarism, fabrication, and misappropriation of others’ work are unacceptable and may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment or contracted contributions.
Hate Speech and Discrimination We do not tolerate hate speech, discrimination, or other forms of unethical expression targeting individuals or protected groups based on characteristics like race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation.
Comments and User Submissions Reader comments and user-submitted content do not necessarily reflect our editorial views. We reserve the right to moderate or remove comments that violate our policies.
Accountability and Corrections Our editors are available to address any concerns about our coverage, fact-checking processes, or potential lapses in judgment. Feedback helps strengthen our adherence to ethical norms.
This policy is a living document that may evolve as journalistic practices and content needs change. We are committed to upholding these standards across all our platforms and publications.